Today more than ever leaders and clinicians of all industries have moved from “Put me in coach, I am ready to play!” to, “Take me out coach, I have had enough today".
Your reality is that you're in the centerfield, already struck with too many balls in the air, and today’s new environment has all of us struggling with even seeing home plate.
You need a new glove, a new pair of shoes, a new outlook on the game? Are you preparing for your first game, in the middle of your game, or looking for a new team, a new game?
We are from the front line field as your personal or team coach.
A physician - nurse executive leader dyad in partnership with many times at bat yet never seen before in this combination:
Leadership meets Wellbeing.
As you round third base we have the signal that will get you with a confident slide into home base. Winning runs happens when there is synergy between player and coach.
We are in your back pocket, a click, a call, a chat, or a conversation away for you or your whole team.